

附着发光 adhesioluminescence; adhesive luminescence; 附着器官 {植} attachment organ; 附着器 {植} hapteron; 附着因数 factor of adhesion; 附着基 adherance;
附着射流 attached jet; 附着引力 adhesive attraction; 附着强度 adhesive strength; 附着性 tack; 附着接头 adhesive joint;
附着期 setting stage; 附着枝 {真菌} hyphopode; hyphopodium; 附着根 props; 附着毛环 tenacle; 附着水雷 limpet miner;
附着点 attachment points; 附着热 adhesion heat; heat of adhesion; 附着物 {物} attachment; 附着生活 epiphytism; 附着生物 aufwuch;
附着石英 {冶} bosh; 附着粘合 {工} adhesive bonding; 附着系数 attachment coefficient; factor of adhesion; 附着缢痕 {植} attachment constriction; 附着胎盘 placenta apposita;
附着胞 appresorium; appressorium; 附着试验 adhesion test; 附着语 affixing language; 附着重量 adhesion weight; adhesive weight; 附着重量控制器 adhesion weihgt controller;
附着龈 attached gingiva; 附睾 附睾体 corpus epididymidis; 附睾切除术 epididymectomy; 附睾头 caput epididymidis;
附睾尾 cauda epididymidis; 附睾炎 {医} epididymitis; 附睾睾丸炎 epididymo-orchitis; 附睾管 ductus epididymidis; 附睾系膜
附睾输精管切除术 epididymovasectomy; 附睾阴道炎 epivaginitis 附睾附件 appendage of epididymis; appendi epididymidis; 附笔 附笺
附翼天线 附耳 附耳一言 附耳低言 附耳吩咐
附耳授计 附耳过来 附聚 附聚剂 agglomerant; 附聚物(烧结块) {化} agglomerate
附肌带 附股合伙人 附肢 附肢浮游生物 kremastoplankton; 附肢节 {昆} propodite
附肢骨胳 {解} appendicular skeleton; 附脊索 附脐静脉 附腺 附舌水虱
附芽 附苗 附表 附装温度计 附言
附议 附设 附设局 附识 附贴级数
附赘悬疣 附轴 附载 附边 附近
附连惯性矩 附连试验板 附连质量 附铸油管 附铸试棒
附随应力 附随程序 附面层 附面层分离 boundary layer separation; 附面层吸除机翼 suction wing;
附面层控制装置 boundary layer control device; 附面层效应 boundary (layer) effect 附面层理论 boundary layer theory; 附页 附饰物
附马而亡 附骐攀鸿 附骥 附骥益显 附骨疽
附鱼 际会风云 际遇 陆 1
陆 2 (陆、海、空三军) the three armed services 陆上 陆上搬运 carry; 陆上污染源 land-based pollution source;
陆上沉积物 subaerial deposit; 陆上目标 landmark (宇航的); 陆上累范特风 {气} terral levante; 陆上纹理壳 subaerial-laminated crust; 陆上线路 {电工} landline;
陆上航标 shore beacon; 陆上训练 land practice; dry practice; 陆上贸易 land-borne trade; 陆上车辆 ground vehicle; 陆上运输货物保险 overland transportation cargo insurance
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