

计算机程序设计员 computer programmer; 计算机站 computer installation; 计算机算子 computer operator; 计算机管理 computer-management; 计算机管理指令 computer managed instruction;
计算机系列 computer family; computer series; 计算机系统 计算机系统工程师 computer system engineer; 计算机系统摸拟 computer system simulation; 计算机系统方法学 computer system methodology;
计算机系统要求准则 computer systems requirements criteria 计算机组 computing group 计算机结构 computer configuration; 计算机结构设计 computer architecture; 计算机结构语言 computer structure language;
计算机绘图仪 complotter; computer plotter; 计算机继电器 computer relay; 计算机维护 computer maintenance; 计算机综合 computer generalization; 计算机综合法 computer synthesis;
计算机编目系统 computerized cataloging system; 计算机编码 computer code; 计算机网络部件 {自} computer network components; 计算机网(络) computer network; 计算机能力 computer capacity;
计算机装置 computer installation; 计算机视觉 computer vision; 计算机解 machine solution; 计算机-计时器 computer-timer; computer-chronograph; 计算机设备 computer equipment;
计算机设置 computer installation; 计算机设计自动化 computer design automation; 计算机设计语言 computer design language; 计算机诊断 computer diagnosis; 计算机语 machine word;
计算机语言 computer language; machine language; 计算机语言学 computational linguistics; 计算机语言翻译器 computer language translator; 计算机误差 computer error; 计算机负零值 negative computer;
计算机转向语句 computer Go To statement; 计算机软设备 computer soft ware; 计算机辅助分析 computer-aided analysis; 计算机辅助指令 computer aided instruction; computer assisted instruction; 计算机辅助教学 computer-aided [computer-assisted] instruction;
计算机辅助文件编制 computer-aided documentation; 计算机辅助测试 computer-aided test; 计算机辅助生产[制造] computer-aided manufacturing; 计算机辅助程序设计 computer-aided programming; 计算机辅助管理 computer assisted management;
计算机辅助网络设计 computer-aided network design; 计算机辅助解题系统 computer assisted problem-solving system; 计算机辅助设计 computer aided design; 计算机辅助设计 computer-aided design; 计算机辅助识别 machine-aided cognition;
计算机辅助诊断 computer-aided diagnosis; 计算机输入凿孔机 computer entry punch; 计算机输入穿孔机 {自} computer entry punch; 计算机输出缩微摄影 computer output microfilming; 计算机输出缩微胶片 computer output microfilm;
计算机运行 computer run; 计算机迷 compufan; computer fan; 计算机选择 computer option; 计算机通信 compunication; computer communication; 计算机通信系统 computer communications system;
计算机通信网 computer communication network; 计算机通信软件 computer communication software; 计算机通话 computalk; 计算机逻辑 computer logic; logic of machine; 计算机逻辑电路 computer logic circuit;
计算机配置 computer configuration; 计算机配色 computer for colouring; 计算机键盘印字机 keyboard computer printer; 计算机闭环控制 computer close-loop control; 计算机零件程序 computer part program;
计算机零值 computer zero; 计算机面板 register face; 计算机音乐 computer music; 计算条件 design conditions; 计算板 computer board;
计算标准 basis of calculation; 计算模型 computation model; 计算模拟器 compute simulator; 计算求平方数 squaring count; 计算法 calculus; method of calculation; numeration;
计算爆炸力学 computation explosion mechanics; 计算物理 computational physics; 计算牵引力 calculated tractive effort; 计算状态 computing mode; 计算狂 arithmomania;
计算环 ring; 计算理论 theory of computation; 计算电容器 calculable capacitor; 计算电路 counting circuit; 计算癖 arithmomania;
计算盘 disc slide rule; circular slide rule; 计算矩阵 compute matrix; 计算研究所 computing laboratory; 计算示波器 computing oscilloscope; 计算程序 accounting routine; calculator program;
计算稳定性 computational stability; 计算穿孔机 calculating puncher; multiplying punch; 计算站 computer installation; 计算符号 compute sign; 计算精度 computational accuracy;
计算系统 computing system; reference frame; 计算线路 computational scheme; digital circuit; 计算组件 computation module 计算组合数学 computational combinatorocs; 计算终端 computing terminal;
计算结构 computation structure; 计算结果 reckoning; 计算结果检查 hi-lo-check; 计算继电器 compute relay; 计算网络 computing network;
计算能力 computing power; 计算范围 {计} computer capacity; 计算表 computation sheet; design schedule; reckoner; 计算表册 computus; 计算表格 computation sheet;
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