

be in at the finish be in awe of be in bad fortune be in bad odour be in bad shape
be in ballast be in blinkers be incapable of appreciating sb.'s favor be incapable of appreciating sb.'s favour be incapacitated for
be incapacitated from be incident to be in clink be in clover be in collar
be in communication with be in competition with for be in competition with sb. for be in compression be in conclave with
be in condition be in contact with be incumbent to do sth. be incumbent upon sb. be in danger of
be independent of be in derision be in detestation be in difficulty be in disfavo(u)r (with)
be in disgrace be in disrepute be in dittos be in duty bound be in duty bound to do sth.
be in employment be in enthusiasm be in equilibrium be in equilibrium with be in error
be infatuated with sb. be in fear (of) be infected with be inferior to be in fine array
be in flux be in for be in force be in for it be in form
be informed of be in for one's school be in full retreat be in fullvigo(u)r be in (full) vogue
being be in gaol be in general wear beingless beingness
be in [go into] raptures over [about] be in good condition be in good fortune be in good odour with be in good standing with sb.
be in (good) voice being that be in harmony with be inherent in be in [hold] the spotlight
be in-ies over be in ill odour be in it be in it up to the neck Bein kep gear
be in labo(u)r be in leading strings be in leading-strings be in league (to do) be in mesh
be in mesh be in mourning be in necessity be in negotiations with sb. over sth. be in no condition to
be in no mood for sth.[to do sth.] be in office be in [of] two [several] minds be in one's bones be in one's element
be in one's glory be in one's sphere be in one's tantrums be in on it be in [on] the road
be in operation be in order to do sth. be in [out of] a situation be in [out of] training be in pains
be in petticoats be in possession of the House be in preparation be in prime of grease be in quandary (about,as to)
be in receipt of (be) in register be in religion be in repute be in sb.'s bad [black] books
be in sb.'s beard be in sb.'s black books be in sb.'s boots be in sb.'s clutches 50 be in sb.'s discretion
be in sb.'s discretion to do be in sb.'s good books be in sb.'s light be (in) sb.'s line be in sb.'s service
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