

astronomical pyrometer astronomical refraction astronomical research centre astronomical scintillation astronomical spectrograph
astronomical spectroscopy astronomical surveying astronomical telescope astronomical theodolite astronomical transit
astronomical traverse astronomical triangle astronomical watch astronomical year book astronomic tide
Astron program(me) as true as a die as true as flint (as) true as steel (as) true as the needleto the pole
as true as touch a stumble may prevent a fall as ugly as a toad [scarecrew] a suit of dittos as unstable as water
a sure card a sure draw a sure find a surname: a surprise packet
a suspicion of as usual as vain as a peacock as viewed from a swarm of
as weak as weak as a cat (=as weak as water) as weak as water a sweet one a sweet tooth
(as) welcome as a storm [as snow in harvest, as water in a leaking ship] (as) welcome as a storm (=as snow in harvest, as water in a leaking ship) as welcome as flowers in May As well As well As
As well ... As not as well be hanged for a sheep as for a lamb as white as a ghost (as) white as a sheet (as) white as a sheet [cloth, ghost]
as white as milk (as) white as snow as who should say as wise as before as wise as one went
(as) witness sb.'s poverty as-worked penetration of grease as yellow as a crow's foot as yet As yet
(as) yielding as wax asylum cord asymmetrical aerial input asymmetrical bedding asymmetrical branching process
asymmetrical cell asymmetrical chromatid exchange asymmetrical component asymmetrical conductivity asymmetrical cross-cousin marriage
asymmetrical deflection asymmetrical desmosome asymmetrical dipole asymmetrical distortion asymmetrical fold
asymmetrical horn asymmetrical hysteresis asymmetricalinterchange asymmetrical junction asymmetrical laccolith
asymmetrical load asymmetrically-loaded arrestment asymmetrical multivibrator asymmetrical polyphase current asymmetrical ripple mark
asymmetrical roller bearing asymmetrical second division segregation asymmetrical sideband transmission asymmetrical state asymmetrical top
asymmetrical tunnel section asymmetric blanking asymmetric centre asymmetric circuit element asymmetric compound
asymmetric conductor asymmetric effect asymmetric focusing asymmetric joint asymmetric label(l)ing
asymmetric magnetic lens asymmetric modulation asymmetric molecule asymmetric reflection asymmetric sideband transmitter
asymmetric synthesis asymmetric transcription asymmetry distribution asymmetry parameter asymmmetrical tooth
asympotic developable asymptotically developable function asymptotically normal asymptotically normal distribution asymptotically normal random variable
asymptotically random variable asymptotic angle asymptotic approximation asymptotic behavio(u)r asymptotic characteristic
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