

释义 隐(隱)[yǐn]1.(隐瞒; 隐藏) hide; conceal:隐姓埋名conceal one's name and surname;从路上看不到这所房子, 它隐没在一小片树林里。The house was concealed from the road by a small wood.1. (隐藏不露) hidden from view; concealed:隐士recluse; hermit2. (潜伏的; 藏在深处的) latent; dormant; lurking:隐患hidden danger1. (隐秘的事) secret; hidden matters:难言之隐a secret which could not be told; sth. which it would be awkward to disclose;探颐索隐delve into secret facts or principles2. (姓氏) a surname:隐翁Yin Weng




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