

词汇 面子
释义 面子面子[miàn zi]1. (物体表面) outer part; outside; face:大衣的面子the outside of an overcoat
常用词组1. (体面) reputation; prestige; face:面子问题questions of one's reputation;爱面子be concerned about face-saving;不讲面子have no consideration for sb.'s sensibilities;丢面子lose face;给面子show due respect for sb.'s feelings;顾面子save face;撕破面子cast aside all considerations of face; not spare sb.'s sensibilities;为了保全面子in order to save appearance;有面子enjoy due respect;他屡屡失败以后, 这次胜利挽回了他的面子。After all his failures, the win saved his face.




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