

词汇 薄 2
释义 [bó]1. (轻微; 少)slight; meagre; small:单薄thin;浅薄superficial;薄薪small salary;稀薄的空气thin air2. (不厚道) mean; stingy; ungenerous; unkind:刻薄unkind; mean;薄待treat ungenerously;待遇不薄a fair remuneration3. (不庄重) frivolous:轻薄given to philandering; frivolous1.(稍微) slightly:薄有研究have made a little study1. (看不起; 轻视;慢待) look down; belittle; despise; slight:鄙薄despise; scorn;厚今薄古stress the present rather than the past;厚此薄彼favour one and slight the other2. [书] (迫近) approach; near:薄海approach the shore;日薄西山。The sun is setting beyond the western hills.1.(姓氏) a surname:薄昭Bo Zhao另见 báo; bò。




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