

释义 [tiē]1. (粘贴) stick; paste; glue:贴邮票stick on a stamp;请勿张贴!Stick no bills!他们把一张布告贴在墙上。They have pasted up a notice on the wall.我用什么把这个贴上去呢?What can I stick this on with?2. (紧挨) nestle up to; snuggle up to:脸贴脸face rubbing against face;贴墙站着stand against the wall;孩子紧贴着母亲。The child snuggled up to his mother.3. (贴补) subsidize; help financially:由国家补贴be subsidized by the state1.(津贴) allowance; subsidies:车贴traffic allowance;房贴housing allowance1.(服从; 顺从) submissive; obedient1.(用于膏药):一贴膏药a piece of medicated plaster




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