

释义 [guàn]1. (穿; 贯通) pass through; pierce; thread:如雷贯耳reverberate like thunder;学贯古今well versed in both ancient and modern learning;纵贯两省的铁路a railway passing through two provinces from north to south2. (连贯) be linked together; follow in a conntinuous line; be connected:鱼贯one following the other;一贯到底be linked together3. [书] (服待) attend1. (世代居住的地方) place of one's ancestral home; birthplace; native place:籍贯one's birth or origin place;乡贯one's native district2. (古时穿钱的绳索) string3. (姓氏) a surname:贯高Guan Gao1.(旧时用绳索穿钱, 每一千文为一贯) a string of 1,000 cash




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