

词汇 贮藏
释义 贮藏贮藏[zhù cáng]1.store up; lay by; lay in deposit; depot; reposit:这些蔬菜在20摄氏度以下能够很好地贮藏。The vegetables store well at temperature below 20℃.松鼠贮藏坚果以备过冬。The squirrel makes a store of nuts for the winter.
常用词组1.贮藏车 accumulator car;2.贮藏成本 cost of storage;3.贮藏处 storage; cache;4.贮藏堆 grave;5.贮藏根 storage root;6.贮藏管胞 {植} storage tracheide;7.贮藏货币 hoarding of money;8.贮藏劣变 storage deterioration;9.贮藏期限 shelf-life;10.贮藏器 storage; fountain;11.贮藏容积 storage;12.贮藏生理 storage physiology;13.贮藏室 storeroom; [英] boxroom;14.贮藏寿命 shelf-life;15.贮藏髓 {植} storage pith;16.贮藏所 repository;17.贮藏物 storage; repertory;18.贮藏系(统) storage system;19.贮藏细胞 storage cell; reserve cell;20.贮藏箱 bing; bink; storage container;21.贮藏种植物 steckling;22.贮藏组织 storage tissue




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