

词汇 配合 1
释义 配合配合[pèi hé]1. (分工合作) coordinate; cooperate; concert; copulation; composition; partnership; rapport; correspond; meet; in coordination with:配合得宜be in harmony with one another;配合行动take concerted action;配合作战coordination of military operations;起配合作用play a supporting role;配合和呼应chime in with someone;色彩配合得很好。The colours match well.2. (零件结合在一起) (of machinery or apparatuses) join
常用词组1.配合边缘 {工} matched edges;2.配合不良 poor fit;3.配合尺寸转接器 adapter for smaller and larger connector;4.配合尺寸转换器 dimension matching adapter;5.配合地槽 {地质} yoked basin; zeugogeosyncline;6.配合粉碎系统 pulverizing after blending;7.配合符号 matchmark;8.配合公差 fit tolerance;9.配合换位 {电工} coordinated transposition;10.配合基 ligand;11.配合计算机 coupled computer;12.配合记号 match mark(ing);13.配合间隙 fit clearance;14.配合键 fit key;15.配合件 fitting piece; mating member;16.配合禁忌 incompatibility;17.配合力 combining ability;18.配合良好 no-float;19.配合料 {玻} batch; charge;20.配合螺栓 fitted bolt;21.配合面 seating;22.配合盆地 yoked basin; zeugogeosyncline;23.配合器 dispenser;24.配合曲线 fitting curves;25.配合饲料 compound feed; mixed feed;26.配合旋律 counter point;27.配合准地槽 zeugogeosyncline




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