

词汇 零星
释义 零星零星[líng xīng]1. (零碎的) fragmentary; odd; piecemeal:零星材料fragmentary material;零星土地odd pieces of land2. (少量的) a small amount; a little; a few3. (零散) scattered; sporadic:零星小雨occasional drizzles; scattered showers;零星战斗sporadic fighting
常用词组1.零星储蓄存款 small saving accounts;2.零星费用 petty expenses;3.零星工具袋 wallet;4.零星固定资产购置 acquiring minor items of fixed assets;5.零星基本建设 minor capital construction;6.零星交易 (of stock exchange) odd lot;7.零星商品 miscellaneous commodities;8.零星时间 scrappy time;9.零星杂物 fragments of miscellaneous things;10.零星诉讼 piecemeal litigation;11.零星消息 snippets of news;12.零星修补 dribbing;13.零星杂项费用 out-of-pocket expenses;14.零星支出 incidental expenses




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