

词汇 装载
释义 装载装载[zhuāng zài]1.freight; loading; shipping; capacity; storage; embarkation; laden:装载着各种商品的船只a ship freighted with various sorts of merchandise
常用词组1.装载臂 loading arm;2.装载不足 underrun;3.装载点 gatehead;4.装载吨 shipping ton;5.装载吃水 load draught;6.装载工 shoveller;7.装载机 {机} shovel loader; fork-lift truck; loader; mechanical loader; mucking unit;8.装载计算单位 load;9.装载宽度 loading width;10.装载量 burden; loading capacity; loadage; carloading; shot;11.装载起重机 toter;12.装载容积吨位 measurement tonnage;13.装载容量 {采矿} struck capacity; charge capacity;14.装载设备 charging appliance; loading device; loading plant; loading system;15.装载速度 rate of loading; speed of loading;16.装载图 {船} stowage plan;17.装载推土两用机 loader-dozer;18.装载物 tote;19.装载指示器 stocking indicator;20.装载重量 weight of load; weight on board;21.装载装置 loading attachment




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