

词汇 顺手
释义 顺手顺手[shùn shǒu]1. (顺利) smoothly; without difficulty:事情办得相当顺手。It was done without a hitch.开始试验时有时不很顺手, 也是很自然的。It is to be expected that an experiment will sometimes run into a snag at first.
常用词组1. (随手) conveniently; without extra trouble:出去时请顺手关门。Would you close the door when you go out?2. (顺便) do sth.as a natural sequence or simultaneously:我们扫完院子,顺手把房间也扫一扫。After sweeping the courtyard, we might as well clean the rooms.3. (合用) handy; convenient and easy to use:这把铁锹使起来挺顺手。This spade is very handy.




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