

词汇 边际
释义 边际边际[biān jì]1.(边界; 边缘) limit; bound; boundary:不着边际wide of the mark; not to the point; irrelevant;漫无边际rambling; discursive
常用词组1.边际成本[价值] marginal cost;2.边际储蓄倾向 marginal propensity to save;3.边际分析 marginal analysis;4.边际生产力[率] marginal productivity;5.边际生产率工资理论 marginal-productivity theory of wages;6.边际生产率说 marginal productivity theory;7.边际收入 marginal revenue;8.边际消费倾向 marginal propensity to consume;9.边际效率 marginal efficiency;10.边际效应 edge effect;11.边际效用 marginal utility;12.边际交用递减规律 law of diminishing margial utility;13.边际效用论 the theory of marginal utility;14.边际信用 marginal credit;15.边际资本效率论 marginal efficiency of capital approach




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