

词汇 逆行
释义 逆行逆行[nì xíng]1. (反着规定的方向走) (of vehicles) go in a direction not allowed by traffic regulations; go in the wrong direction:单行线, 车辆不得逆行。One-way street [traffic].2. {天} retrograde motion
常用词组1.逆行波痕 regressive ripple;2.逆行刺激 antidromic stimulation;3.逆行传导 antidromic conduction;4.逆行叠绕组 reversed loop winding;5.逆行反射 antidromic reflex;6.逆行轨道 retrograde orbit;7.逆行键 backspacer;8.逆行排放 antidromic volley;9.逆行圈 {天} loop of retrogression;10.逆行沙丘 antidune;11.逆行栓塞 retrograde embolism;12.逆行兴奋 antidromic excitation;13.逆行抑制 antidromic inhibition;14.逆行转移 paradoxic metastasis; retrograde metastasis




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