

词汇 calculate
释义 calculatecalculate[ˈkælkjuleit]vt.1.计[核、推]算2.推测3.[常用被动态]计划, 筹划, 打算4.[美口]以为, 认为; 想要calculate the cost of a journey计算旅行费用calculate an eclipse预测日[月]蚀calculate the consequence of推测...的结果This advertisement is calculated to attract the attention of housewives.这份广告是为引起家庭主妇们的注意而设计的。I calculate we'll be in time.我认为我们是来得及的
词性变化calculate[ˈkælkjuleit]vi.1.考虑, 计算2.预料, 指望(on, upon)3.[美]以为, 认为calculate on fine weather tomorrow预料明天天晴

习惯用语be calculated for1.为适合...而设计的; 适合于be calculated to1.目的在于, 打算, 蓄意It is calculated that...1.据计算...calculate on (upon)1.指望着, 期待着

参考词汇calculate;compute;estimate;都含“计算”的意思。1.calculate指“通过计算或运算以解决疑难的题目或问题 ”, 如:calculate the velocity of light计算光的速度。2.compute 指“简单的数学计算”, 如:compute the volume of a cylinder计算汽缸的容积。3.estimate 指根据经验、知识或判断作出估计、估算, 含有“近似、概略”之意, 如:estimate the cost of building a house估算造一座房子的费用。




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