

词汇 courtesy
释义 courtesycourtesy[ˈkə:tisi, ˈkɔ:-]n.1.礼貌, 客气, 好意, 亲切, 周到2.恩惠, 允许3.礼貌的行为; 殷勤的举动; [古]请安4.(=curtsey, curtsy)屈膝礼be granted the courtesy[-sies]of the port[美]免受海关检查military courtesy[美]军礼courtesy of the port外国军舰入港时相互访问的礼节return the courtesy回礼; 答礼They showed us great courtesy.他们对我们很有礼貌。These photos were reproduced by courtesy of the General Electric Company.这些相片是征得“通用电气公司”的许可而翻印的。
词性变化courtesy[ˈkə:tisi, ˈkɔ:-]adj.1.礼貌上的courtesy call礼节性拜访courtesy card优待券

习惯用语by courtesy1.按惯例, 礼貌上; [美]情面上; 为表示礼貌起见; 承蒙好意by courtesy of1.蒙...惠允, 经...同意; 承...好意赠送[借用]2.由...提供; 经由...的途径drop a courtesy1.(西方女子)行屈膝礼make courtesy (at)1.[废]客气, 有所顾忌pinch courtesy1.过于拘礼; 不拘礼仪stand at the courtesy of1.有赖于...的宽容或好意stand to the courtesy of1.有赖于...的宽容或好意the courtesy of England1.[英]【律】丈夫享受亡妻所继承的财产的权利with the courtesy of1.由...赠送(表敬意)courtesy of the senate (=senatorial courtesy)1.[美]参议院的礼貌否决




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