

词汇 abolish
释义 abolishabolish[əˈbɔliʃ]vt.1.取消, 废除(制度等)2.完全破坏abolish slavery废除奴隶制Bad customs should be abolished.坏的风俗应当废除。

参考词汇abolish;annul;extinguish;都含“废除”或“取消”的意思。1.abolish 指“消除长期存在的风俗、习惯”等, 如:These superstitious practices should be abolished as soon as possible.这些迷信做法应尽早取消。2.annul 指“通过权势取消”、“宣告(法律、契约等)无效”, 如:The judge annulled the contract because one of the signers was too young.由于签署人中有一位年纪太轻, 法官宣告合同无效。3.extinguish 指“用压服性的武力等手段使之毁灭”, 如:You may extinguish a nation, but not the love of liberty.你可以消灭一个国家, 但不能消灭对自由的热爱。establish;uphold;validate;




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