

词汇 along
释义 alongalong[əˈlɔŋ]prep.1.沿[顺]着2.在...期间; 在...过程中3.按照; 根据We went for a walk along the shore.我们沿着海岸散步。Somewhere along the journey I lost my hat.在旅游过程中我把帽子不知丢哪儿去了。
词性变化along[əˈlɔŋ]adv.1.沿, 成一行地2.向前3.一个传一个地4.一道, 共同5.和...一起(with)6.[美](时间)晚7.在手边, 随身带着8.即将, 一会儿就along about four o'clock.约近四点钟。Move along, please !请向前走!Pass the note along.请将条子传过去。A bill came along with the package.清单与包裹一并到达。The af ternoon was well along.近傍晚了。He took his umbrella along.他随身带着伞。Tell him I'll be along to see him.告诉他我一会就去看他。

习惯用语all along1.沿着...的整个长度2.一贯, 始终allalong of1.[方](完全)由于; (完全)因为be along (to)1.[口]来, 到(通常指短距离)right along1.[美口]不间断地; 自始至终, 一贯along with1.和...一起[一道], 随着; 除...以外(还)




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