

词汇 anger
释义 angeranger[ˈæŋɡə]n.1.怒, 愤怒2.[方]炎症, 伤口处发炎或疼痛in anger生气, 动怒
词性变化anger[ˈæŋɡə]vt.1.使发怒, 激怒be angered by [at]因...而发怒anger[ˈæŋɡə]vi.1.发怒He angers easily.他容易发怒。


习惯用语bluster oneself into anger1.勃然大怒dare sb.'s anger1.不怕惹某人生气furious with anger1.狂怒through the anger of the moment1.因一时的愤怒A-is a short madness.1.[谚]怒是短时间的疯狂。

参考词汇anger;indignation;rage;fury;wrath;都含有“愤怒”、“生气”的意思。1.anger 是常用词, 强烈的程度不定, 有时也可以不露出来, 如:Though he felt his anger mounting, he kept perfect control of himself.虽然他觉得越来越生气, 但还是很好地控制住了自己。2.indignation 是正式用语,指由于非正义、受辱等引起的“义愤”或“愤慨”, 如:The atrocity caused widespread indignation.那暴行引起了普遍的愤慨。3.rage 指“大怒”,强调“愤怒强烈到爆发而不能控制住”, 如:He flew into a rage.他大发雷霆。4.fury 语气比 rage强, 指“暴怒”, 如:In his fury he broke his eyeglasses.盛怒之下, 他摔了坏自己的眼镜。5.wrath 是正式用语,指一种“强烈的义愤”, 带有要给予惩罚或报复的意思, 如:By their sin they provoked the wrath of the people.他们因犯罪而激起人民的愤怒。pleasure;forbearance;




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